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One Eyed Reader

My name is Vada. I've enjoyed reading pretty much my entire life, so I made this blog to post my opinion on the things I read.

Currently reading

A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin
Tommyknockers 12
Stephen King
Lauren Oliver

Gerald's Game

Gerald's Game - Stephen King After reading some of the negative reviews on this book, I went into it with pretty low expectations. I expected it to drag along, kind of like Insomnia or Under the Dome did in certain parts. Nothing I've read by King thus far has exactly bored me, but those two I did have to sit down several times along the way and dig into something more fast pace.
To my surprise, I actually enjoyed this one, and I actually think it's now among my favorites. Although it nears 450 pages, it read like something that was closer to 300. I've been in a bit of a reading slump these past couple of weeks, but I still got through this in about 3 days.
I know a lot of endings in King's books end up being flops (Under the Dome and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon come to mind, for me) but this one, I feel like everything was wrapped up pretty nicely, although it was an oddly happy ending that I really wasn't expecting.
If you're sensitive to things such as rape or gore, this definitely isn't the book for you, though. A scene or two actually made me cringe, and I must say, that's quite the accomplishment.
Overall, I think this is probably my third or fourth favorite book by Stephen King so far, out of the dozen or so that I've read.