I first tried reading this book back in 2013, when it was gifted to me, but I stopped about half way. To put it simply, I didn't understand it the first time around. I didn't realize that it was nonfiction, nor did I specifically realize that it was a collection of essays, as the edition that I own (from World Book Night 2013) doesn't have a synopsis, and I didn't use goodreads back then.
However, now that I'm a bit more educated on this author's works, I actually managed to get through this book. This is the second book by David Sedaris that I've read, and all in all, it was alright. Not bad, but not particularly memorable either. I enjoyed [b:When You Are Engulfed in Flames|1044355|When You Are Engulfed in Flames|David Sedaris|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1425201208s/1044355.jpg|3255908] much more.
If you're a fan of his work, you'll probably like this book. If not, you probably won't.